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Consistency > Perfection

Well... Labor Day Weekend is officially behind us and we're a week into September. It's a new month and a new chance to get back to your goals and maybe even make some new ones!

September also happens to be back-to-school time for many, which means it's a great time to give up those "summertime excuses" and get back to your own self-care.

We all know what those summertime excuses can be... schedules that are packed with kid's sports, family vacations, fun in the sun, holiday BBQ's, or even just feeling like you're the official family Uber driver and sometimes in your car more than you're not. Drive-thru family dinners, anyone? Those are just some of the reasons it can be hard to schedule in time for yourself when you're busy taking care of everyone else's needs.

But while your schedule may have loosened up a bit this month, there will likely always be many things to juggle when it comes to fitting everything into each day.

Shifting your mindset can help change your reality though.

Start with a decision to make a change, have courage and then take action.

It can help by putting things in writing... whether it's a goal, your daily schedule or your month-at-a-glance... seeing things on paper keeps it in sight and in focus.

Yes... the calendar on your phone is great for reminding you of your schedule, but the simple old-fashioned act of writing things down can be a game-changer.


And on that note... we've created this cute printable Habit Tracker to help you measure and track how well you're sticking with daily, weekly or monthly habits. It really can help you achieve success if you're ready to make some positive changes in your life...

Here are some examples of things people may put on their list:

  • Meditate

  • Exercise

  • Water intake

  • Wake up early

  • Read

  • Write In Journal

  • Be Grateful

  • Floss

You can even get fun with colorful markers for adding a dot to each daily achievement. Putting it into a Trapper Keeper is completely optional.

Whatever you choose for YOUR goals though... focus more on being CONSISTENT with your daily habits, and less on being PERFECT with them. If you have a day where you miss one of your goals, move onto the next day and start fresh again. All too often we let the feeling of disappointment with ourselves cause us to give up our goals altogether.

And for the record... there is never success without failures along the way.

But what you do consistently matters way more than what you do once in awhile!

In other news... you may have already noticed that this month is MEMBER APPRECIATION MONTH so we're celebrating YOU and also offering tons of FREE classes, new FALL specials and giveaways too!

Encourage a friend to join you for any or ALL of our free classes this month. It's a great way for someone to check us out and also get a great workout all at once...

Let's DO THIS! Let's get consistent with our goals, our self-care and our habits.

And together we can put the UNITY in community!

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