We're already more than halfway through February... also known around here as the month of SELF-LOVE. How's YOUR month going so far? Have you been more intentional with your thoughts & actions in bringing a little more love and attention to YOU? Were you able to do any of the daily prompts on our self-love calendar? And if so... have you noticed an improvement in the way you feel?
Small changes to your routine can make a big difference in your life. Sometimes we just need to be armed with a PLAN to make things happen though.
We also need to realize that we're all in different places in our journey. Your day #1 might be someone else's day #153. And if your yardstick tends to be what you see in your social media thread... try to remember that someone else's highlight reel is NOT necessarily their REAL life.
Love yourself where YOU are, right here, right now... and every step along the way.
Let's face it though. None of us are always motivated. And we all have days where we're feeling less than inspired to make ourselves a priority. However, putting something on a to-do list or calendar helps to create discipline in making things happen.
Whether you use a daily planner, the calendar on your phone or sticky notes all over your house... the best way to ensure something will happen is to put it on your schedule for the week. Make appointments with yourself!
In effort to provide an atmosphere of health & wellness for your body, mind AND spirit... we have a few things coming up that can help with ways to add more self love and positivity into your life!
If you haven't already heard, this Thursday evening, February 21, we'll begin another 6-week session of our Bloom Unleashed Book Club. It's a great way to get connected at Bloom outside of our typical fitness environment. It's a relaxed evening with a guided chat session discussing what we've read and how it may apply to our own lives. You can sit there quietly soaking it all in OR you can be interactive in the discussion... there's no requirements!
Our chosen book this session is 50 Ways to Yay! It's available in paperback OR grab the audio version. At the end of each short chapter there will be a prompt with a MISSION and a REFLECTION. So plan to do a little thinking as you're reading! And if you're listening... you may want to grab a notebook and jot your answers there.
Is it mandatory to do any homework with your reading? Of course not! But you'll likely want to... because this book is GOOD and will get you thinking for sure! And no worries if you don't have your book or haven't started reading yet. The first night will just be more of an introduction to the book and each other!
Additionally... on Sunday evening, throw on your PJ's because we're hosting a little in-house movie night. There might even be popcorn...
Whether you've seen Rachel Hollis' Made For More documentary already or not... there's SO much goodness to soak in that it's worth seeing again!
Friends, popcorn, a good movie, a good book... I mean... what more could you possibly want?